Monday, March 10, 2014

March 2014 Susan Meier Ezine Special Edition

Hey, Everybody!

I shifted my newsletter over to Mailchimp and though the newsletters are fantastic, I missed my ezine, so I thought I'd send one out. Below are Coming Attractions, along with an excerpt from HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE and, for the writers among us, a writing lesson! This is lesson one from HOW TO WRITE A CATEGORY ROMANCE. It's a workshop I haven't given often so the lesson should be new to a lot of you.

It's been a busy year for me. I signed a contract with Harlequin and one with Entangled last year, so for the next few years I'll have 4 books a year to write. Which I love. I get to continue writing the deeply emotional stories for Harlequin that I've been writing, but I now also get to write small town, funny books that are also incredibly sexy.

Ebooks also publish faster. I finished drafting HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE around November 15 and it has a release date of Monday, March 10th. Four months from start to finish. Amazing. And breath-stealing! LOL

The book is the first of a shoot-off of the Entangled Bliss line. You'll see the difference in the cover.

Cute, isn't it?

Anyway, this is a three-book series about three brothers, the Donovans, who return to their small town to help their mom get away from their abusive father. All three books are deeply emotional, but they're also funny. I think you're going to like them.

And this fall, I have another Christmas book coming out from Harlequin. I had titled it THE TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS, but my editor tells me the title might not stick. It's a great story about a totally broke heroine who agrees to go to several Christmas parties with a friend of a friend, so people will stop worrying about him after the death of his son. I had so much fun writing it because it takes place in NYC. There is no more beautiful setting than Christmas in New York City.

The second book in the Donovan Brothers series will also be out this fall!

So get ready for some more fun from me this year!

Oh, I almost forgot! HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE is ON SALE for $.99 for the first two weeks. So get a copy now while it's under a buck! LOL

Here's a link!

Oh! Drat! I almost forgot this too...At the end of my blog tour for HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE, I'm giving away a beach basket that doesn't just contain sunscreen and sunglasses...there's KINDLE in there too. So look for details about the blog tour on my facebook page...

Happy Reading...

susan meier


Every Monday morning I post a blog for writers! So be sure to watch for that.

But I'm also sporadically posting blogs for readers. It's much easier for me to think of something to say to other writers than to spill my guts about real life...but I'm getting there. :)

And if you like blogs by writers, check out There are ten or twenty writers who post every day about the trials and tribulations of being a mom, wife, daughter and a writer! Lots of wonderful insights at this site.

March 13, I'm blogging at Fresh Fiction.

I'm also at Harlequin Junkies and imperfect

And let's not forget the March 10 release of HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE! $.99 for two weeks only...quite a bargain! :)


Chapter One

“Golden Years Inc. just called the partners.”
            “And?” Ellie McDermott’s grip on her smartphone tightened as she got out of her little red car and stood on the sidewalk.
            “They loved your ad campaign for Tidy Whitiez adult diapers.” The voice of her boss, Nicole Levine, vibrated with excitement. “You’re their choice to head up the campaign.”
            She closed her eyes, savoring the sweetness of the win. Who would have ever guessed she could get so excited over adult diapers? And who would have guessed that when the account she wanted was finally hers, she wouldn't be able to take it?
            “There’s a six-figure bonus attached.”
            Her eyes popped open. “Six figures?”
            “Not high six figures, but close to mid.”
            “Can I tell them you’ll do it?”
            Her head spun. She’d gotten a call in the middle of the night from Red Garmin, the chief of police for Harmony Hills, Pennsylvania. Her dad had been found sitting naked in the park and hadn't recognized the officers who’d come to offer assistance. For two-plus hours, she’d driven through the early May fog on the mountain to get to her hometown, where she’d spent another eight hours intermittently talking to doctors and sitting beside the bed of a man who sometimes knew who she was, sometimes didn't. As tempting as taking this campaign sounded, every decision she made from now until the day her father died revolved around assuring he would be properly cared for. And right now she didn't have enough information about his condition to even know what “properly cared for” entailed.
“I wish I could say yes.”
            “Just use your mouth to form the word. Geez, I thought you’d be jumping for joy right now. You’re leading the campaign. Getting a bonus. At least a little ‘yippee’ is in order.”
            “Nicole, I’m home.”
            “Of course you’re home. It’s Saturday. You have no life. You’re always home on Saturday night.”
            “No, I mean I’m back in Harmony Hills. My dad—” She paused as her throat closed, and grief, confusion, and guilt overwhelmed her. She had to swallow hard and take a deep breath before she could say, “My dad has Alzheimer’s.”
            “I’m so sorry.” Nicole’s voice softened.
“Apparently he’s had it for a while and it’s progressing rapidly. They found him in the park last night, naked, thinking he was at home watching TV.”
“Your dad watches TV naked?”
“He does live alone.” A fact that haunted her. If she’d been in Harmony Hills, she would have found him, not a bunch of kids. If she’d been here, maybe he wouldn't even have left the house at all. If she’d been here, she might have noticed as soon as he started getting sick and gotten him treatment so that his disease wouldn't be as far along as it was now.
She swallowed again. “He’s going to need to go into a personal care facility.”
            “And a six-figure bonus would go a long way toward making that happen.”
            “After taxes, even six figures would last only a few years. And my dad’s sixty-seven. He could live another ten, maybe even twenty years. I need a real, permanent solution.”
            She looked up at the stately yellow Victorian house and the McDermott Funeral Home sign. “The only way I can get enough money every month is to run the family business.”
            “The funeral home? Can you even run a funeral home?”
            She sighed. “I remember some things.”
            “Don’t you need a license?”
            “I don’t know. I’ll have to check.”
            “Wouldn't it be easier to just sell Tidy Whitiez?”
            “In the short-term. But at ten thousand dollars a month, three hundred thousand dollars would only be thirty months. Not even three years. I need a solid, dependable income.”
            A motorcycle roared into the funeral home’s side driveway. The engine hummed to a stop. The driver took off his shiny black helmet.
Ellie’s breathing stopped. “Oh, no.”
            “It’s Finn Donovan.”
“The guy who stole valedictorian from you?”
“The same guy who took your virginity and then asked somebody else to the graduation party?”
            “Yes, again.”
            “Oh my God! Skype me in!”
            Wearing jeans and a sleeveless white T-shirt that showed off bulging biceps and a skull-and-crossbones Semper Fi tattoo, Finn got off the sleek bike and strolled up the sidewalk toward her. Taller than he had been in high school and broader in the shoulders, with a lazy gait that spoke of the insolent way he looked at life, he set every nerve ending in her body on fire.
            He reached her, smiled. “Ellie.”
            How could the slight lift of a man’s lips make her breathless?
The fire nibbling her nerve endings spiked. Her chest pinched and her gut tightened as another regret filled her. If she’d stayed in Harmony Hills, she probably wouldn't swoon every time she saw this blue-eyed, blond-haired dingbat. 
            “At least put me on speaker!”
            “Actually, Nic, I’ll call you later.”


That's the opening for HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE. It's a fun, funny, sexy story that I think you will love. :) (I might be prejudiced though! LOL)




Lesson 1 What is a Category Romance?

A category romance is the story of a hero and heroine that focuses on how they resolve their external and internal conflicts and commit for life at the end of the book.

In this day and age, even RWA found it necessary to send a reminder to the judges for the RITA that lots of books on the market today (and books submitted for the RITA) are not romances in the truest sense of the word.

Why? Because, with self-publishing, there is no gatekeeper. 

Frankly, in some respects that’s good. Lots of great books are being published that might not otherwise have made it.

In others it’s bad -- FOR YOU.

Why you?

Because even if you want to self-publish, though you don’t have to please an editor, you still have to please readers. And with the abundance of books out there saying they are “romances” you can get confused about what’s really required in a category romance.

Why should you care? I mean, why not toss all the spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks? Because there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Readers have shown time and time again that they want certain things in their books, especially category romances. So you still have to please somebody – except instead of an editor, it’s now readers.

If you want to write for any of Harlequin’s category romance lines or any of the category romance lines that are springing up at many of the e-publishers, then you already know this. J

What you might not know are the actual “things” needed in a category romance and/or how to get them into your story.

So let’s start at the beginning…What is a category romance?

As we’ve already said, a category romance is the story of a hero and heroine that focuses on how they resolve their external and internal conflicts and commit for life at the end of the book.

What is the difference between a category romance and a single title?

Actually, there are 2.

First, a single title isn't "just" the story of a hero and heroine falling in love. There must also be a story line that takes it beyond a mere romance.

Single title romantic suspense, thrillers and mysteries involve the bigger, broader story element of the suspense, mystery or thriller. Those things aren't merely a BACKDROP for the romance (as they are in CATEGORY suspense, mystery or thriller). Though interwoven with the romance, the suspense, mystery or thriller aspect of the story holds a big place in the novel on its own and usually takes up 50% of the story.

But a book doesn't have to be a suspense, thriller or mystery to be a single title. A contemporary romance can also be single title. All the author has to do is add another dimension to her story. Something that takes it beyond a category romance. The hero could be a returning-to-town bad boy looking to make up for his past. He could have several people to apologize to and not all the situations could be resolved easily! A heroine could be dealing with mother problems or daughter problems or best friend problems.

In a category romance, however, our readers are only interested in the romance. Even if there are mother problems, people the hero has to make up to for his bad boy past, or a crime that has to be solved, we want everything ON THE PAGE to relate to the romance!

What do I mean?

Well, think about this…

I remember reading Sydney Sheldon's BLOOD LINE before I started reading romance and writing romance. I found myself skipping all the scenes that didn't relate back to the hero and heroine and their budding romance and reading only the scenes with the hero and heroine! A friend said, “Susan, you're not a mainstream reader. You're a romance reader.” I went to the bookstore, bought a few (hundred) romances and never looked back.

The same is true for you as a writer. If you're getting rejections on your beloved category romance that say, "There wasn't enough focus on the romance" ... this can be easily corrected by going back into your story and getting every scene into the POV of either the hero and heroine. And making sure that everything relates back to them and their romance somehow.

Which takes us to our second difference between category romance and single title...


Everything in a category romance must be seen through the eyes of the hero and/or heroine and must ultimately relate back to them.

In my workshop, Journey Steps, I use the example of a hero having an argument with his son. The boy storms out of the room and to his bedroom, slamming the door. In a category romance, the scene stops there and picks up the next morning when the hero discovers his son is gone. In a single title, the author could follow the boy to his room while he packs and go with him out the window and into the cold, dark night.

In a single title, authors use various character points of view and tell the stories of those secondary characters. In a category, our focus is the romance, so all our readers want to know is HOW DOES THIS IMPACT THE ROMANCE! We show them how through the reactions of the hero and heroine.

The exceptions to this are the few times a villain's POV is heard in category romantic suspense or thriller, and the few times a secondary character gets a 'quick' POV for a reason. Usually there's a story element or thread that the hero and heroine can't be privy to, but it's essential for the "fun" or "drama" of the story for readers.

In THE MAGIC OF A FAMILY CHRISTMAS, I gave the little boy a 3 or 4-paragraph POV so that he and the cat [yes, the cat] could plot their matchmaking, so readers would know what was going on...since the kid wasn't about to tell either the hero or heroine that he was setting them up to fall in love!

So that's the "quick and dirty" difference between a category romance and a single title. Focus and bigger, broader story.
For some people, writing a single title seems easier, because they can rely on that bigger, broader story to give them fodder for their scenes. In a category romance, we rely on the external conflict to do the same thing.

Except sometimes the external conflict doesn't seem to be enough! We still sit at our computers wondering, “Now what!”

That’s because external conflicts also need a vehicle.

A vehicle is the “thing” that forces the action in your story and keeps the action going. 

In my summer 2010 release, MAID FOR THE SINGLE DAD, the story type is a nanny story. (Even though she’s the maid, the heroine also cares for the hero’s kids.) The vehicle…what forces the action of the story…is taking care of the hero’s two kids. The kids force the hero and heroine to work together, to interact, as they feed them, dress them, play with them, and that’s how they fall in love…by interacting.

I didn't need to think of a vehicle. The story type provided it. You have to have kids to have a nanny story! LOL

In HER BABY’S FIRST CHRISTMAS, driving across the country is the vehicle. Being in the same car [and ultimately the same house] is what forces them to interact.

In THE TYCOON’S SECRET DAUGHTER the hero getting to know the daughter his ex-wife had hidden from him was the vehicle.

In ONE MAN AND A BABY the hero training the heroine for the job as manager of her dad’s horse farm is the vehicle.

In SECOND CHANCE BABY the heroine working as the hero’s secretary is the vehicle.

In KISSES ON HER CHRISTMAS LIST the hero investigating the heroine’s store to possibly buy it for his family’s holding company is the vehicle.

I once read a book where the heroine and hero had been in a plane wreck. They survived…weren't even hurt. But they had to walk fifty miles back to town together, on foot, off a mountain with dense foliage, where a rescue team wasn't available. (I can’t remember the country they were in but it was in Central America somewhere.) That walk was the vehicle.

I once read a book where the hero had the get the heroine out of a foreign country and the time they spent together getting out of the country caused them to fall in love.

A hero and heroine searching for something, stuck in a cabin in a storm, working together, living together, doing ANYTHING together gives them a reason to be TOGETHER and being together is the vehicle that forces them to get to know each other and fall in love.

It’s as easy to keep a category romance moving with a vehicle as it is to keep a single title moving with a bigger, broader story.

So that’s lesson 1: What is a category romance?

A category romance is the story of a hero and heroine that focuses on how they resolve their external and internal conflicts and commit for life at the end of the book.

You keep your story focused on the hero and heroine and the story of how they fall in love.

You provide a vehicle so that you have fodder for scenes, ways to get them together and keep them together.

And you also have a conflict, something that keeps them from wanting to fall in love. 


I hope you enjoy HER SUMMER WITH THE MARINE...'s $.99 only for 2 weeks

Until next issue...

Happy reading...

susan meier

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